TMNT Is The Turtles Movie You SHOULD Be Watching

TMNT-WALLPAPERS-tmnt-18709833-1024-768It seems that the newest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is on pace for $65 million this weekend, which is a depressing number given the apparent artistic failure of the movie overall. While I’ve never been a particularly passionate fan of the franchise (it falls in with Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers as one of those things I lost interest in after age 7) I do recognize the hunger for a good, modern take of the characters on film. Funnily enough though, it seems we already got one of those, and no one seemed to care about it. I’m talking about 2007’s TMNT, which is not only a solid story with fun characters and action, but also presents the Turtles in animated form, where they’ve always seemed most at home. Having finally watched it this weekend, I’m doubly disappointed that TMNT did not become the definitive cinematic Turtles movie for this generation of kids.

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Snowpiercer to Society: “Go Fuck Yourself!”

yvtnubce4od6zdrect4e Snowpiercer is the sort of movie that will linger and nag at the back of my brain for awhile, which is never a bad thing, especially in science fiction. It carries a great deal of righteous fury and bitterness, not just at the rich, but at everyone that participates in such a broken social system as ours. It’s probably as bleak a movie as there has been this year, with plenty thrills and stunning visuals to draw you in and keep you arrested while it makes its arguments. This is exactly the sort of movie I want to see from Bong Joon-ho, exactly the sort of movie we need more of… and exactly the sort of movie the industry won’t touch with a ten-foot pole.

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Monthly Preview: June 2014

calendar2One thing that only just occurred to me is that so far, 2014 has gotten progressively better from month to month, with each lunar cycle bringing us even more quality films than the last. That certainly bodes well for June’s offerings, which are many and varied. While I’m less excited for these films than I’ve been for months past (or for next month’s, for that matter), it’s still a great selection that covers a nice cross-section of my interests and favorite talents. But let’s take a closer look:

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Now is the Winter (Soldier) of Our Discontent… or Not

As I’m sure everyone has noticed, superheroes are here to stay in the modern blockbuster landscape, and to be honest I’m perfectly happy with that (to the surprise of no one who knows me or has read this blog). And while we’ve had Nolan’s Batfilms and the occasional original story like The Incredibles or Chronicle here and there, the current domination of superheroes is almost entirely due to the output of Marvel Studios. This is particularly impressive considering that many of their Phase One movies were actually pretty similar and almost repetitive, with the details on the various characters providing the only distinction among a horde of Good Ol’ Origin Stories. But first with The Avengers (the unprecedented multi-franchise mashup) and then with Iron Man 3 (modern superheroics mixed with classic ‘80s action swagger), Marvel Studios has begun to bring new styles, voices and tropes into the fray, and in the process expanding the language of superhero storytelling in film. The latest grand example of this is in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, a movie that transcends the costumed adventuring to bring us a sharp political thriller with a great emotional story about the personal cost of war… from those guys that directed a lot of Community episodes. (Spoilers follow!)

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Movie of the Week: Not Another Teen Movie

It  was Shiran’s turn to pick our Movie of the Week this time, and she decided to show me something a little out of my usual stomping grounds. The movie she chose was Not Another Teen Movie, something that I don’t think I’d ever have seen on my own. This is a great example of what I love about this tradition, the fact that it opens both of us up to new movies, and serves as a great bridge between our shared tastes and our unique interests. And as it turns out, Not Another Teen Movie also shares enough with things I already like to still work for me. More after the jump:

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